Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Best tips on how to get over someone- Simple steps

                       4 mins read⏳

The truth is, no one is ready for a breakup.
Nobody loves breakup.
Sometimes a breakup can lead to depression or even death. 
With my tips, you'll be over that one person in no time.
Here are my best tips:

When you are unsure of how to let your feelings out, it can be therapeutic to write them down.
Writing them down can help you relieve pain and stress. 

Taking time for you to heal will go a long way.
Avoid social media and remove them from your social media.

Don't allow your emotions to control you.
Learn to control your emotions.

Letting go of someone you love isn’t easy but you have to try for your own good.
You just have to accept the fact you cannot go back to the same relationship.

Naturally, exercising helps to relieve stress.
So hit the gym and have fun!

 Staying busy will help take your mind off the breakup and allow your wounds to start healing.
Join groups, hangout with friends, workout or startup something.

Happy New Year!!!

           Have a lovely day!
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Friday, December 9, 2022

250 Questions to ask your crush- Get close to your crush

                    30 mins read ⏳

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I have this opinion that one should always confess their feelings to the other one and not keep it suppressed within themselves because the more the person tries to hide his or her feelings, the more the person falls for the other one.

When someone has a crush on another person, the person tends to fantasize alot and can start to behave weird around the person(reality). 
People in relationships can develop crushes, even married people too.
Being in a relationship or happily married doesn't make you immune to develop crushes.
My advice - "do not try to avoid your crush."
Huge Mistake!

But hey with a little chitchat and self confidence, you can get close to your crush.
And yes, having a crush can be fun and terrifying at the same time.
With my help, be rest assured that you'll get close to your crush in no time.
Here are 400+ questions that I've gathered for you ask your crush:

1. Can you keep a secret?
Yap, one of the best questions you should definitely start with?

2. Can I talk to you?

3. What do you do to calm yourself down when you are angry?

4. What’s the one thing you’ve never been able to master or learn?

5. What is the one thing you spend money on and you know you shouldn’t?

6. How do you spend most of your time throughout the day?

7. What is the coolest skill you have?

8. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?

9. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

10. What is it about people that drive you crazy?

11. Have you ever made the same mistake twice?

12. What is one rule you'll never break in life?

13. What is your favorite song?

14. What was the best gift you ever got from your parents?

15. Who is the one person on earth that knows you better than anyone else?

16. What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for a day?

17. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said about you?

18. What is the one thing you hate about your family?

ALSO READ: Food for thoughts

19. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

20.What would you prefer, money or love?

21. What’s on your bucket list?

22. What’s the song you listen to on repeat?

23. Name a cartoon character you think is hot.

24. Who is your favorite superhero?

25. What would you buy first if you won the lottery?

26. If you could trade lives with anyone, who would it be?

27. If you started a band, what would it be called?

28. What’s the one condiment you can’t live without?

29. What’s one thing your siblings or parents don’t know about you?

30. Do you like small gatherings or big parties?

31. What’s been the worst year of your life so far?

32. What is the one thing that will end a relationship for you?

33. Who do you see yourself as if you were a fictional character?

34. Karma or Revenge?

35. What was the best television show on when you were a child?

36. What is something weird that you like about people?

37. What is the reason for the last time you cried?

38. Are you superstitious?

39. What was the worst day of your life?

40. What did you do for fun in high school?

41. What’s your favorite book?

42. What’s your favorite television show?

43. What’s the one thing you would tell your teenage self if you could go back in time?

44. Hip Hop music or Pop music?

45. Afrobeats music or Hip Hop music?

46. If I was to be an animal, which animal do you think I'll be?

47. Ever sang in public?

48. Best school days?

49.What is something that people have to do but look absolutely stupid doing?

50.If animals could talk, which one do you think would have the most attitude?

51.What is the scariest movie you have watched as a kid?

52. What is the most ridiculous name you've heard?

53. What’s your favorite pizza topping?

54. What can really annoy you in a person, whether you know them or not?

55.Have you ever had any annoying guests at your place? What was the most ridiculous thing they did?

56. What was the most immature thing your family ever did?

57.What do you hope people would stop asking you?

58. Ever been depressed? How did you cope with it

59.Do you think it is ok to lie sometimes? 

60.Would you sacrifice your life for someone? If yes, who?

61. What is the name of your favorite show and why?

62. What are your hobbies? 

63.What was your hometown like?

64. What do you and your friends do when y'all hang out?

65.If I kiss you right now, what would you do? Will you be mad at me?

66.What would your parents be super surprised to learn about you?

67.What superpower would you like to have, if you could?

68. What are you secretly afraid of?

69.What is your definition of true love? Do you believe in love at first sight?

70.Who do you respect most in your life? Why?

71.What is that one thing that can always make you smile, no matter what?

72.What is your idea of a perfect date?

73.What are you most passionate about?

74. Ever got caught telling a lie?

75.Have you ever been in a serious relationship?

76.When making the first move, who do you think should do it first? The girl or the boy?

77. What do you find funny but most people don’t?

78.What is your favorite thing to do on the internet?

79.What do you love to do when you are free? 

80.What do you spend most of your time doing? 

81.What do you spend your money on?

82. What are your guilty pleasures?

83.What event has changed the course of your life the most? Was it happy or sad?

84.What do you secretly judge people for most often? Do you feel guilty about it?

86.Is there something you can do that most people can’t? 

87. What is the most humiliating thing that has happened to you?

88. What is the tackiest thing you have seen someone post on Facebook or Instagram? Did you react to it or ignore it?

89. Are your parents/ guardians strict?

90. What is a trending story in the news that you care very little about? Why doesn’t it interest you?

91. If you get to choose a city, state, or country anywhere in the world to live in for at least the next ten years, where would it be and why?

92. Do you think everything is fated to happen or are we in control of our own lives?

93. Do you believe in Karma?

94.What is the kindest thing that someone has ever said to you?

95.Do you prefer hanging out with no-nonsense, serious people or lighthearted people?

96.Do you like to do things alone or be around people?

97. How do you think people would describe you?

98. Do you think you are living life to the fullest?

99. Are you a spiritual person or religious person?

100. How do you handle heartbreaks?

101. Do you believe there is a purpose to life? Or is it all a meaningless or an endless loop?

102.Would you like to get married one day? 

103. Do you want kids? If yes, how many?

104.What do you believe happens after death?

105. What is the most important thing required in a happy and healthy relationship?

106. Can conditions change someone or you?

107.What changes would you make to the state of our country, if you could?

108. Do you make judgments about people quickly? 

109. What is that one thing you wish you had never done?

110. Would you prefer to be incredibly intelligent or incredibly happy?

111.What is something you believe in that most people don’t?

112. When have you been most anxious in life? What were you doing?

113. Your celebrity crush?

114. What is your weirdest habit?

115. What has been the best piece of advice that your parents gave you?

116. Biggest regret?

117. Would you rather get a tattoo of pierced?

118.Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Or an ambivert?

119. Favourite pastry?

120. Is there anyone in your life you wish you had met sooner?

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121.What kind of people do you least respect?

122. Do you think we should choose our minds over our hearts?

123. Are you a confident person?

124. Do you have any siblings? Are you close to them?

125.What is the worst date you’ve ever had?

126. Which do you prefer- Cakes or Ice creams?

127. Do you know how your parents met?

128. Do you keep in touch with your childhood friends?

129. Describe your ideal type in 7 words.

130. Cats or Dogs?

131. Day or Night?

132. How often do you work out?

133. Do you like cooking?

134. Have you broken someone’s heart before?

135. Have you ever been cheated on?

136. Have you ever been to another country?

137. Would you rather find the Love of your life or be a Millionaire?

138. How did your last relationship end?

139. If a genie grants you three wishes, what would they be?

140. Is there anything you’re wondering about me?

141. Do you cry a lot or sometimes?

142. Ever tried to forget a song? How did it go?

143. Do you prefer casual dating or long-term relationships?


144. Do you think it’s easier to ask for permission or forgiveness?

145. Have you ever bullied a kid?

146. Skiing or Skating? 

147. Football or Hockey?

148. If there was something you could improve about yourself, what would it be?

149. What is the best thing about your life?

150. If you can go back to do one thing differently in your past relationships, what would that be?

151. If you could be incredibly skilled at one thing, what would you choose?

152. If you could change anything in your life, what would you change?

153. If you could have one superpower for a day, what would it be?

154. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

155. If you ever need any advice, who would you ask?

156. Ever thought about being a celebrity?

157. If you knew you would die in one month, what would you do?

158. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would do?

159. What accomplishment are you most proud of?

160. Favourite person?

161. What are you looking for in a partner?

162. What are you most scared of?

163. What do you think destroys most relationships?

164. What do you think is your life’s purpose?

165. What do you think of your parents’ relationship?

166. What do you think the future of the world is going to be like?

167. What is something that people misunderstand about you?

168. What is something that you would change about your life?

169. What is the most important thing in your life right now?

170. What is the worst lie you’ve ever told?

171. What makes you want to be a better person?

ALSO READ :Badass Captions

172. What was one time you really stepped out of your comfort zone?

173. Ever meditated?

174. Do you believe in magic?

175. One song you could sing with or without instrumentals?

176. What’s one of the stupidest things you have done in your life?

177. Stupidest thing you've done for love?

178. What pastry can you bake?

179. Who makes you feel better when you are sad?

180. Would you rather leave your hometown and never be able to return again or stay in your hometown but never be able to leave?

181. Would you rather have three kids at 18 or never have a baby?

182.  What do you consider a red flag in a relationship?

183. What do you do for a living?

184. What do you do for fun when you want to relax?

185. Would you rather kiss a snake or drink gutter water?

186. What do you think is your best quality?

187. What do you value in a relationship?

188. What flavor of cake do you love?

189. What friend do you trust the most?

190. Favourite phone app?


191. Your best actor/actress?

192. What is the nicest thing someone can do for you?

193. What is the one thing you can’t live without?

194. What is your passion?

195. What makes you the most nervous?

196. Ever crushed on someone? Did you confess your feelings to him/her?

197. What was the last book you’ve read?

198. What was the last show you watched?

199. What was your first date like?

200. What’s a typical Saturday look like for you?

201. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received and who was it from?

202. What’s the most impressive skill you have?

203. Are you in debt right now?

204. Do you enjoy dirty talk?

205. What turns you on?

206. Are you always scared or not?

207. Ever felt like you don't belong?

208. Are your parents as attractive as you?

209. Can I come over to your place when I am bored?

210. Can we be more than just friends?

211. Can you buy me dinner sometime when you are free?

212. Do you prefer cuddling or making out?

213. Do you shower at night or in the morning?

214. Do you think tattoos are sexy?

215. Do you think you’re a good kisser?

216. How do you stay so attractive?

217. How many people have you kissed?

218 How old did you get your first kiss?

219. If I called you late at night, would you pick up?

220. What do you look for in a guy/girl?

221. What do you wear when you sleep?

222. What is the craziest thing you have ever done for a girl or guy?

223. What is the last thing you searched for on your phone?

224. What is the most romantic thing you have ever done?

225. What is the perfect way to ask someone out?

226. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

227. What is your love language?

228. What is your preference – dating someone smart or hot?

229. What type of outfit would you like to see me wearing?

230. What was the first thought that popped into your mind when you met me?

231. What’s something you find attractive that most people don’t?

232. What’s the best date you’ve ever been on?

233. What’s the biggest deal-breaker on a date?

234. What’s the most embarrassing or naughtiest thing you did when you were young?

235. What’s your biggest turn on when you’re on a date with someone?

236. What’s your dream date night?

237. Who are you crushing on at the moment?

238. Who is last person you texted? 

239. Can you go out with me?

240. What’s the first album you ever bought?

241. What’s the best new artist/song you’ve discovered recently?

242.  I had this dream you were in last night. Want to hear it?

243. What was your first impression of me when we met?

244. What’s the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?

245. What do you want to be remembered for?

246. Ever been to therapy?

247. Do you see yourself being a parent one day?

248. Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?

249. What is one rule you really enjoy breaking?

250. Is there anything you want us to do together?

               Have a lovely day!
         Kindly leave a comment.

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